Metallic Green Snout Beetle Pencil Sketch p20

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Bigger isn’t always better. These tiny weevils are fascinating despite their minuscule size. It is easy to overlook these 5-6mm beetles. I didn’t come across these much as a kid growing up in rural western New York. In Michigan they are a somewhat invasive species introduced from Europe. When I was a bit younger and had fantastic vision I could blow an easy hour staring at one of these little jewels walking on my finger tip. Now I use a hand lens, dissecting scope, or more often a macro lens to take in the spectacular detail. Their large round eyes safely put them in the cute category. To push it over the top, they are covered with thousands of metallic green scales… they are carrying around more “bling” than Mr T. A pencil sketch doesn’t really capture their outrageous metallic color, so I’ll include a few of my photos as well.

Metallic Green Snout Beetle Pencil Sketch
Metallic Green Snout Beetle Pencil Sketch
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil

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