Capturing a Yellow Warbler in Song: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Just thinking about Yellow Warblers can put me in a better mood. I need to remember that sometimes. This is a perfect bird to render in transparent watercolor. All those super-saturated yellows, along with oranges and reds, plus a few … Continued
Green Heron: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Green Herons are great birds. As a kid I didn’t really see them often. We lived outside of a small town and were adjacent to a large, vacant woodlot. While we had many birds, it just wasn’t the sort of … Continued
Field Sparrow: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Somehow I never got around to painting a Field Sparrow until now! Seriously, how does this happen? This and my last watercolor, a House Wren, are both common birds that I just never got around to painting before. I’ve done … Continued
Northern House Wren on Gears: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Despite the fact that Northern House Wrens are common birds, this is my first time painting one. I think part of the delay was that these particular wrens leave me a little conflicted. Some of their behaviors, such as their … Continued
Tips and Techniques: Liquid Frisket (Masking Fluid)
Liquid frisket is a fantastic tool for watercolor, but it can be uncooperative at times. In this video I share some tips, tricks and tools that make it easier to use. If you’d like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter … Continued
Tips and Techniques: Tracing Paper Transfers
Learn how to use tracing paper to transfer art from your sketchbook to your final painting surface. By doing all the preliminary drawing and problem solving in another place, you can keep your finished artwork surface clean and undamaged from … Continued
Connecticut Warbler: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Connecticut Warblers are exciting birds. I think of them as “15-20 year birds” because I see them so infrequently. I’ve only gotten to see them twice. My first was after about 15 years of birding! The second was almost 15 … Continued
Evening Grosbeak Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Evening Grosbeaks eluded me for a long time. My first sighting was with my wife at Whitefish Point in Michigan. We also had Boreal Chickadees for the first time. That was an exciting day! Evening Grosbeaks are beautiful but somewhat … Continued
Blackburnian Warbler Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
My wife’s favorite warbler is probably the Blackburnian, followed closely by the Prothonotary. I did a watercolor of one ages ago on Black Cherry blossoms that she always brings up as a favorite. Until now, I hadn’t painted one in … Continued
Loggerhead Shrike Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
I don’t see shrikes very often. In Michigan they occasionally pop up in the winters. We’ve even had Northern Shrike in our yard twice, which was incredibly exciting. They like to take prominent perches in the open where they can … Continued