Sora Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings | 2
Sora (10x14 inch Transparent Watercolor)
Sora (10×14 inch Transparent Watercolor)

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    2 Responses

    1. Ed "Bonecrusher"

      Hey Matty! Nice website–how long have you been doing the step-by-step photos? That takes a lot of discipline, but it makes for a very interesting description of how the piece was put together.

    2. Matt

      Hello, Mr. Crusher,
      I started scanning paintings as I worked on them when I was teaching watercolor classes years ago. I figured they would be a handy resource for teaching technique. I only recently have started to assemble them into Flash files with descriptions that can be navigated though in a step-by-step manner.
      Thanks for visiting the site and being the first to comment!


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