Ruby Meadowhawk Dragonfly Step-by-step

posted in: Step-by-Step | 3

I’ve been painting a lot of dragonflies lately. Lots of great color to play with. Here is the latest, a step-by-step through the process of painting a male ruby meadowhawk. These are really cooperative insects… so much so that my kids enjoy getting them to perch on their fingers!
Ruby Meadowhawk (5x7 inch Transparent Watercolor) Original Available.

Ruby Meadowhawk (5×7 inch Transparent Watercolor) Original Available.

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    3 Responses

    1. John


      Awesome as always! Thanks for sharing a little of your technique. You know I am a “artist wannabe”, so I love watching you work.

      Hope all is well!


    2. Beth Elmore

      I’m a friend of Liesl’s from Cookeville. WOW! What talent!


    3. Kristi Pavlik

      You rock! Cant wait to use you as the kids new art teacher this fall – HA!

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