Ruby-throated Hummingbird Pencil Sketch

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Ruby-throated hummingbirds have great attitude and seem to exude total confidence. When we moved into our house we went about planting gardens, shrubs and trees to attract birds and butterflies. We supplement the natural selection of food with feeders. Typically we have three hummingbird feeders to choose from. Hummingbirds are territorial birds. You can increase your hummingbird yield by locating the feeders out of sight of one another. That way the fussy birds can only protect one feeder at a time.

Hummers are very predictable in where they will show up. I took a ton of photos of them using 400mm lens, tripod and wireless remote. I’d say that I end up throwing away 90% of the images, but occasionally you get a nice shot to draw from. There isn’t much margin for error when photographing such a small and fast bird.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Pencil Sketch
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Pencil Sketch

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