Eastern Chipmunk

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It’s spring in Michigan, and the chipmunks are busy. Okay, these guys destroy our gardens, raid our bird feeders, and dig in my wife’s potted plants all the time. They are undeniably full of trouble. Pound for pound they probably wreak more havoc than woodchucks. Despite all their negative attributes, they are easily one of the cutest rodents. Sure squirrels are cute, but only the flying squirrels give the chipmunks a run for their money.

Few things are more frustrating than being outsmarted by a cute little fur-ball weighing about 4 ounces. At the moment I have a baffle set up to keep them out of the bird feeder. It has successfully deterred them for about a year. I have the feeling they are in their little hole calculating exactly how to infiltrate my defenses and get to those seeds. It’s only a matter of time. You have to admire their persistence!

Eastern Chipmunk Pencil Sketch
Eastern Chipmunk Pencil Sketch

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