Andean Cock of the Rock Pencil Sketch

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I always like getting in some sketching when I go to natural history museums. This Andean Cock of the Rock was in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. I question the realism of the display having a grape vine as a perch and a mangrove in the background, but for the purpose of the sketch, they provided some interesting content and design elements, so I left them in. That might be modified if I get a chance to work this up as a watercolor!

The male Andean Cock of the Rock is a spectacular orange bird. The Guianan Cock of the Rock is similar, but is perhaps a bit more striking with a black fringe on this head plumes. They are both members of the cotinga family from Central and South American which includes the bizarre umbrella bird.

Andean Cock of the Rock Pencil Sketch
Andean Cock of the Rock Pencil Sketch

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