Scarlet Tanager Pencil Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 2

For  9.5 and 6.5 years old our kids are pretty good birders. While doing homeschooling at the kitchen table one day, my daughter Kelly excitedly yelled out “scarlet tanager.” Despite my initial skepticism, she was right! Just outside our kitchen window was a gorgeous male moving around in the cherry tree. Its the closest I’ve ever been to one. The bird hung around for a few days. We regularly can find them in the woods behind the house, but we had never seen one in the yard before. If it weren’t for the kids, I probably would’ve totally missed that.

Scarlet Tanager Pencil Sketch
Scarlet Tanager Pencil Sketch

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    2 Responses

    1. Liz

      Dear Matthew Bohan: Thank you for such an inspiring site where you offer tips of “how to get there” along with your finished work! Right now I’m self-teaching and your tips for the Burrowing Owl for example are just great! The Burrowing Owl is one
      endangered little fellow – or gal – while the developers plow forward with
      no thought to their burrows!

      I have a new Jack Richeson printer; the printmaking is what I like to
      include along with my water color specialty, often mixing the two – first
      the print and then the water color. Everything takes tons of time and that can be, for me, daunting. I definitely enjoy field sketching and adding my voice to further environmental health.

      Thanks for your on-line tips/tutorials!I truly enjoy your site which generously offers inspiration through your sharings of tips!

      I’d love to receive your newsletters too.
      Elizabeth (Liz) Moreskine
      Retired Pianist and Piano Teacher
      Member Discover Art League
      Brentwood, Ca.

    2. Matt


      Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Best of luck with the printmaking and watercolors. Years ago I did a lot of lithography. I really enjoyed it and I my art improved greatly having worked in that medium. Mixing that up with the watercolor sounds like great fun.

      The burrowing owls are fascinating birds. Hopefully people will be much more careful with developing. A lot of folks really care about them, so hopefully the owls will enjoy more protection as time goes on. Please feel free to subscribe to the blog, or follow on twitter. I hope to have up some more step-by steps done soon! I’m part way through a painting of a Calico Pennant Dragonfly right now.


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