Scarlet Tanager & Cherry Blossoms Transparent Watercolor and Ink Step-by-step

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Our children are very absorbed in the natural world. They adore pretty much every thing furry, feathered and scaled that you can imagine coming across. I’m also very proud that they aren’t turned off by the creepy crawly things that most people avoid. They do hate ticks and mosquitos, but I consider that to be a sign that they still have their wits about them.

We often pause our home schooling when good birds come by the feeders or visit our yard. Last spring our ten year old looked up from her math and said, “SCARLET TANAGER!” We have seen them in the woods nearby but never in the yard. I was a little skeptical, but sure enough, right outside our kitchen window on the cherry tree was a gorgeous male. Fortunately, the camera was right nearby to get some shots. It made appearances here and there for few days before disappearing.

It used to be that my wife and I were always pointing out birds and identifying them for the kids. Now they are returning the favor, pointing out tons of things we would’ve missed otherwise. They don’t always know if it is a Cooper’s or a sharp-shinned hawk in the backyard, but hey, I can’t always tell at a quick glance either! The best thing is seeing the excitement in their eyes when they get a good find.


Scarlet Tanager & Cherry Blossoms Transparent Watercolor and Ink
Scarlet Tanager & Cherry Blossoms Transparent Watercolor and Ink
Scarlet Tanager & Cherry Blossoms (Detail)
Scarlet Tanager & Cherry Blossoms (Detail)

Original painting is available here. 

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