Soldier Beetle Pencil Drawing (New Sketchbook Page 1)

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Finishing a sketchbook is always a big event for me. I use bound sketchbooks and NEVER tear the pages out. It’s kind of a big deal to me to try and have quality sketches throughout the whole book without any lemons. Starting a new sketchbook is stressful. I really sweat over the first drawing because it sets the tone for the entire book. Once I get the first drawing out of the way I can enjoy myself again.

I was unable to find the exact type of sketchbooks that I have been using for over 10 years and had to find a close approximation. I started on the first sketch while waiting for the kids in karate. I discovered the paper was much more abrasive than the previous sketchbooks, so this might take a little getting used to. For no particular reason, I started with a soldier beetle that I took photos of over the summer. Perhaps it would’ve been more appropriate to start with a bird since that has been my obsession for ages, but I have a fondness for insects as well, so why not.

Once I had the sketch finished, I was a quite relieved that the initial sketch went over decently! Now I just need to finish the whole book, which is about 200 pages.

Soldier Beetle Pencil Sketch
Soldier Beetle Pencil Sketch

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