Winter Ruddy Turnstone Transparent Watercolor and Ink (Step-by-step)

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 0

Ruddy turnstones like to walk along the surf’s edge, flipping over rocks and shells looking for dinner. I’m not sure what they find appetizing under there, but I wouldn’t want to eat it. The ruddy turnstone is currently classified with sandpipers, but in the past it was placed in the plover family. I guess ornithologists need something to argue about. Turnstones do seem to share some outward characteristics with both families.

Although they are pretty common, I don’t see these birds very often. Having spent little time along the coasts, I have a fairly large gap in my life list. I’ve come across them in various states from New York to Florida, but have observed these handsome birds in peak summer plumage only a handful of times. I chose to paint this one in its drab winter plumage since that is what I know best. At some point I’ll have to paint one in its “full glory.”

Winter Ruddy Turnstone Transparent Watercolor
Winter Ruddy Turnstone Transparent Watercolor
Winter Ruddy Turnstone Transparent Watercolor (Detail)
Winter Ruddy Turnstone Transparent Watercolor (Detail)

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