Crab Spider Pencil Sketch (#2)

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

So far the new sketchbook is arthropod friendly. This drawing is of a crab spider. My wife likes to bring in fresh-cut flowers from our garden. She also inadvertently brings in a lot of good insects to photograph and sketch. This attractive crab spider showed up on the kitchen table and eventually made its way downstairs under the macro lens and later into the sketchbook. Well, I should be more specific… a drawing of the spider made it into the sketchbook, the actual spider was safely returned to the great outdoors. I don’t want anyone thinking she got squished in there!

Crab spiders have habits that surprise some people. Unlike many spiders, they aren’t web builders. They are well camouflaged, hiding in flowers waiting for an unsuspecting bee, fly or beetle to come by to eat dinner… then, WHAM!, the crab spider pounces on its prey. It can be a dangerous world out there!

Crab Spider Pencil Sketch
Crab Spider Pencil Sketch

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