One of the more recognizable birds in North America has to be the Northern Cardinal. Almost everyone can identify the male. They seem to be plastered on every bag of bird seed, so they are a popular marketing tool as well. People like having these beautiful birds at their feeders. The sight of a brilliant red bird in the middle of a drab winter day can certainly brighten your spirits, even if it is a common species.
I’ve heard from bird banders that their bill is not just good for cracking sunflower seeds… it can also give a really nasty nip. There is nothing wrong with protecting yourself!

The creator does every thing well! Your sensitive and descriptive use of line captures your subjects in a most complimentary way! For me your work glorifies our maker. Thanks for making it available. Recently I was asked to draw a cardinal and a cactus wren as a wedding gift. While researching reference material I stumbled across your work. Honestly my effort cannot hold a candle to yours. The goodnews is the critics recognize it as a cardinal!
Thank you for the generous compliment. I’m sure your efforts on the Cardinal and Cactus Wren looked great! Some day I’d like to paint a Cactus Wren. They have some serious personality.
Terry botkin
Do you sell sketches?
Hi Terry,
Thanks for expressing interest in the sketches. Unfortunately I don’t sell the sketches. They are more “works in progress” rather than finished art in many cases. Additionally I do them in hardbound sketchbooks, so I’d have to cut them out leading to the other pages falling out.