There are certainly a lot of interesting backyard birds. Of them, I’m quite fond of catbirds. They regularly visit to the jelly feeders that we started for the Baltimore Orioles. We have been surprised at the number of birds that eat the grape jelly. Orioles, Catbirds, Titmice, Chickadees, American Robins, Downy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers have all come to eat the sugary treat. It seems like the Baltimore Orioles and Catbirds carefully observe each other, because as soon as one of them finds the jelly at the beginning of the season the others come streaming in. The Orioles can be aggressive toward any other bird near the jelly, while the catbirds seem much more tolerant, to be anthropomorphic. Unlike their mammalian namesake, catbirds seem to be crazy about water. They take dips everyday in the birdbath out our kitchen window, sometimes more than one at a time. Although they are common, they are great fun to watch and enjoy. This sketch is from photos taken out of our kitchen window.

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