Northern Cardinal Pencil Sketch p30

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Northern Cardinal Pencil Sketch
Northern Cardinal Pencil Sketch

The Northern Cardinal is a fantastic bird.  The sight of this brilliant bird on a snowy day is always a welcome sight. That rich red against the stark white of the snow really makes the eyeballs happy. Their beautiful colors and cheery song make them backyard favorites. Almost everyone can identify this guy. I’d imagine that countless birders were inspired to pick up their first set of binoculars after seeing one.

Interestingly, the Northern Cardinal’s bright pigmentation is maintained by eating food rich in various carotenoid pigments! If their diet lacks the proper pigments, their feathers will lose their intense color.

There is an interesting paper on pigmentation in Northern Cardinals and their reproductive success by L. LaReesa Wolfenbarger. The study showed that redder males paired off with females earlier and had territories of higher quality (in terms of vegetation density) than than dull males. The combination of these factors means that redder males produce more offspring in a given year.

Male Northern Cardinal f8 @1/800 ISO800 200-400mm Canon 40D AP+1


Female Northern Cardinal f8 @1/320 ISO800 200-400mm Canon 40D
Female Northern Cardinal f8 @1/320 ISO800 200-400mm Canon 40D AP+2/3

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