We call him “Toby the Terror” when he is the Devil Dog and “Toblerone” when he is sweet.
After the heartbreak of losing our perfect dog Archie days before Christmas, we got a new dog named Toby. He is about as unlike Archie as is possible. Archie was perhaps the most laid back and eager-to-please dog in history. He had almost no bad habits.
Toby is a very different dog. We got him as a puppy from the local Humane Society when he was only three months old. It has been great fun for the kids to watch him grow. While puppies are adorable and playful, living with a puppy is like having a member of the Taliban in your house. You can never predict when the next senseless terrorist attack will come. I’m confident that once he outgrows his youthful exuberance, he will be a great dog.
In the meantime he is full of surprises and challenges. He is determined to be in charge of the house. Since he outweighs our youngest, he doesn’t want to fall into the Omega role easily. We are in continual high alert, making sure he doesn’t completely rule the place. Toby has always been incredibly cute and now is becoming handsome. What he needs to do is spend more time on his personality. We will get there eventually!
In the meanwhile, here are Toby’s tips for other puppies:
When given the choice between dog toys and children’s toys, ALWAYS choose the human’s. This is most sensible. You not only get to chew up a new toy, you are virtually ensured a great game of chase in the process.
Squirt bottles, while highly annoying, are essentially harmless.
Humans place all edible objects on the floor. Don’t bother examining it, just eat it. The humans will then have the thrill of a treasure hunt in the back yard, finding the coins and springs that you have passed. It’s great fun for everyone!!!
Dogs clearly are in charge of this relationship. Let’s look at the facts. We destroy their toys and attack the children. In exchange for these services we are given food, housing, toys and free medical coverage. Further proof of this fact is simple… who is carrying the bag full of waste on the dog walk? Obviously the world revolves around us.
Every living thing wants to meet and adore you.
For some insane reason humans don’t want you to jump up on them or hug their legs. It is silly, so be persistent. If you can’t get away with a jump or hug, show them you care by giving them a big lick on the lips.
If it moves chase it. If you catch it, bite it.
Chair legs are surprisingly tasty. The same goes for cables and wires around the house. While you’re at it, don’t forget the steel cable you’re sometimes tied to outside. It is like a banana. Once you peel off the outer coating, there is another whole layer to chew on.
There are only two types on things in this world: Edible and Probably Edible. Don’t waste your time distinguishing them. Hesitate for a second and the silly humans might grab it out of your mouth. (Idiots!)
The world is not for the timid, so don’t be shy. Feel free to sniff anybody or anything anywhere you deem appropriate!
Debbie from KY
His work is beautifully well done, great variety of subjects & love the backgrounds. Great Artist!