I have mentioned that I get a lot of drawing done while waiting for my kids in karate. Many of the children come over and ask to see what you are drawing. They really seem to get kick out of it.
You never know what kids will say, but one thing is certain they are brutally honest.
Here are a few fun things I’ve heard over the years.
“Yeech!!!! Why would you want a picture of a snake?”
“Can you draw __________________?” (Fill in favorite cartoon character’s name here.)
“My __________ can draw better than that.” (Fill in child’s relative or friend here.)
“Will you draw a picture of a _____________ for me?” (Fill in child’s favorite animal here.)
“You could sell that.”
I’ve been drawing a lot of jumping spiders this year. When the kids see these I’m often “treated” to stories about how the they bravely killed some horriffic spider in their garden. After I mentally roll my eyes, I patiently will explain that here in Michigan there is virtually nothing to worry about. We only have two venomous spider species in the entire state. The likelyhood of running into them is almost statistically impossible. While there are a few like a marbled orb weaver that might bite it handled roughly, it wouldn’t be much worse than a bee sting. I’ll then point out all the benefits of spiders if they haven’t started snoring at my lecture.
One young boy told me quite a whopper about discovering an eight-foot wide and ten foot tall spider lurking in his room. I offered him many chances to bring the tall tale back to reality, but he kept digging himself in deeper. His story got progressively louder as he spun his own web. There was no doubt that he was enjoying everyone’s attention. Apparently the abundance of disbelieving looks had no inhibitory effect on the lad. On and on he retold of the fateful event….The Horrible Eyes…The Razor-sharp Fangs… The Dripping Venom… The Hairy Legs flailing with MALICIOUS INTENT…..Finally he got to the much anticipated climax, which included a hand-to hand clash with the eight-armed devil. He couldn’t resist going for the thrilling demise of the behemoth. In the heat of battle his mother killed the gargantuan arachnid….with a tissue. I said, “That must’ve been a BIG tissue to squash a ten foot tall spider!?!??! He didn’t even blink…”YUP, it was a big one.” To which his sister proclaimed, “You are such a lair!” I have the feeling she has heard quite a few! Maybe the boy’s future is in Hollywood. That will put his endless creativity to good use.
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