Redbud Treehopper Pencil Sketch p60

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Redbud Treehopper Pencil Sketch
Redbud Treehopper Pencil Sketch

I came across numerous examples of these treehoppers feasting on our Redbud tree last summer. They seemed to be more abundant for some reason. My only guess is that the treehoppers liked the fresh, young growth the tree was forced to produce after about 2/3 of it was destroyed; the previous winter our neighbor’s Box Elder tree fell into our yard during a severe ice storm, narrowly missing our house but taking out most of the Redbud, some Lilacs and a small Black Walnut. We were without power for six days, including Christmas. As much of a pain as that ice storm was, it was incredibly beautiful, and there were lots of great photos to be had right in the backyard.

Adult Redbud Leafhoppers mimic thorns quite effectively, helping them avoid predation. The adults and nymphs feed on sap from the plants. In great numbers the females can damage the tree when they use their ovipositors to bore into the twigs to lay their eggs. In small numbers they don’t do much harm at all. Like that ice storm, there is an up-side. They certainly look fascinating! These treehoppers are almost cute in a bizarre alien sort of way.

Insecta » True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies (Hemiptera) » Free-living Hemipterans (Auchenorrhyncha) » Cicadas, Leafhoppers, and Treehoppers (Cicadoidea) » Treehoppers (Membracidae) » Membracinae » Membracini » Enchenopa sp.

Grass Covered in Ice
Grass Covered in Ice
Viburnum Covered in Ice
Viburnum Covered in Ice
Somewhere under this Box Elder is our Redbud. You can see where the gutter was flattened. Could've been so much worse!
Somewhere under this Box Elder is our Redbud. You can see where the gutter was flattened. Could’ve been so much worse!

Editor’s note: Matt was almost flattened by this tree as well. He was taking photos and standing between the Redbud and the Box Elder (behind the Spruce) when the “snap, crackle and pop” noises from the ice suddenly increased. He rushed to the spot from which this shot was taken just in time to avoid being part of the carnage.


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