Golden-crowned Kinglet Pencil Sketch p78

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Golden-crowned Kinglet Pencil Sketch
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Pencil Sketch

Getting good photos of Golden-crowned Kinglets to draw from is tough. We get them in decent numbers in our yard during the spring and fall months, but in their search for edible insects, they bounce around like electrons. I have dozens of blurry shots of these birds and only a handful of decent ones. On top of that they are so darn small that it’s hard to get much detail. 

I love warblers, but there is something extra special about kinglets. Sure, they are smaller and less colorful, but they have a certain attitude that you don’t get with most warblers. I’ve had a few occasions where a pair of kinglets were so busy having an altercation, flashing their brilliant crowns at each other and putting on the show of the century that they didn’t even notice my presence. For someone so small, they sure have a lot of spunk!

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