Dunlin Transparent Watercolor Painting and Time Lapse

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0
Winter Dunlin (7x10 inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140lb HP Paper)
Winter Dunlin (7×10-inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140lb HP Paper)

Because of Christmas, New Year’s, two family birthdays and a road trip all within a month’s time, I’m way behind on posting artwork. A Winter Dunlin is the subject of this recent watercolor painting, and it presented a good set of challenges.

Here in Michigan I tend to see these guys in big flocks zooming around as they drop into a muddy field. Given the bold, stripy wings of each bird, a mass of Dunlin in fight is hypnotizing to watch. Up North they are always seen from a great distance, but you can usually make out their rusty backs and signature black bellies. When I find them in Florida, it’s often in smaller numbers, and they usually lack black on their bellies, but there I can get right up close as they comb the beaches for whatever it is they eat. 

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