Great Blue Heron Mural

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Great Blue Heron Fishing Mural (Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing, MI)
Great Blue Heron Fishing Mural (Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing, Michigan)
Great Blue Heron Fishing Mural (Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing, MI)
Great Blue Heron Fishing Mural (detail)

Now that is big! This mural was made from my watercolor painting Great Blue Heron Taking Flight. The original commissioned piece is 9 x 24 inches and was completed a few years ago. Lansing’s Art in the Wild recently had a call for entries for water-related art pieces. Their plan is to create murals that will inspire a public passion to protect water resources. So far three murals have been installed as part of the Murals on Frandor project. Lansing locals can head over to Frandor Shopping Center and have a peek anytime. The murals are just north of JoAnn Fabrics. The unveiling ceremony will be at noon on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 near the murals.

The printing company did an incredible job making and applying the murals. It’s hard to believe that the original was only 9 x 24 inches and the mural is 8 x 15 feet!

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