Eastern Phoebe Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

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Eastern Pheobe (7x10 inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140lb HP Paper)
Eastern Phoebe (7×10-inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140lb HP Paper)

I always love seeing my first Eastern Phoebe of the spring. Often it is before many of the other insect-eating birds return. Noticing a pumping tail is one of the things that tips me off to its identity, even if it is a distant glimpse.

This painting was done based on photos I took at Maumee Bay State Park in Ohio this past May. We usually make a family trip there each spring and fall to see migrants navigating their way above or around Lake Erie. We have been blessed there with many great days and loads of cooperative birds. I especially love fall birding in northern Ohio because it has fewer crowds. In recent years “The Biggest Week in Birding” has made it challenging to navigate the area in the spring. We usually try to avoid that week (~10 days) and hit it just before or after. The birds are still good, and we have a great time!

This painting had some unusual challenges. I was really drawn to the branches dividing up the frame in interesting patterns. I wanted to make the background somewhat atmospheric, with loss of focus and contrast as things receded back. Additionally, the photos I used for reference had subtle pinkish side lighting from the early morning light coming from the far right plus a fill light of blue. That’s a bit unusual, especially on a bird that is white and gray brown, but I think that in the end the bird reads as the right colors, even if it is washed in those hues. Having the other branches bathed in that light makes everything seem to read correctly. If I were illustrating for a field guide, I’d approach the problem differently and use very neutral light, but for a painting for my own amusement, bringing in those extra colors just makes everything more interesting and visually appealing… at least to me!

Please contact me if you’re interested in buying the original watercolor or a print of this painting. Some of my work is also available for licensing.

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    2 Responses

    1. Jane

      So enjoyed your work – lovely – can tell it is a love of your life. Thank you

    2. Matt

      Thanks for the kind words. Watercolor is always great fun! Toss in some birds or other animals and it is even better.

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