Wilson’s Warbler on Cherry: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 0
Wilson's Warbler on Cherry (7x10 inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140 lb HP Paper)
Wilson’s Warbler on Cherry (7×10-inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140 lb HP Paper)
Wilson's Warbler on Cherry (detail from 7x10 inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140 lb HP Paper)
Wilson’s Warbler on Cherry (detail from 7×10-inch Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140 lb HP Paper)

This Wilson’s Warbler was great fun to paint in transparent watercolor. Though they only travel through Mid-Michigan for a few weeks every year, I look forward to seeing them every spring and fall. The females are harder to identify because they lack that cute black cap. Like many others, this species is to be renamed. Sorry Alexander Wilson. Last I looked they didn’t have a new name for it yet. That will probably be fought over for a while. Of course, I’ll still be calling it a Wilson’s, just like I still call Blue-headed Vireos Solitary Vireos.

Please let me know if you’re interested in buying the original watercolor of this or another painting. Prints, licensing and commissioned work are also available.

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