Field Sparrow: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

Field Sparrow (detail from 9x12 inch Transparent Watercolor on 140lb CP Kilimanjaro Paper)
Field Sparrow (detail from 9×12-inch Transparent Watercolor on 140lb CP Kilimanjaro Paper)
Field Sparrow (detail from 9x12 inch Transparent Watercolor on 140lb CP Kilimanjaro Paper)
Field Sparrow (detail from 9×12 inch Transparent Watercolor on 140lb CP Kilimanjaro Paper)

Somehow I never got around to painting a Field Sparrow until now! Seriously, how does this happen? This and my last watercolor, a House Wren, are both common birds that I just never got around to painting before. I’ve done hundreds of bird paintings, and yet they slipped through the cracks. Sorry for the neglect, guys!

I have to admit that I love painting warblers, so sparrows might have been getting the short end of the stick. It’s been three years since I last painted one, a Lincoln’s Sparrow. As a group I really love sparrows. Seriously. Although they don’t have the great PR machine and flashy colors of warblers, they make up for that with subtle beauty. Field Sparrows are definitely classy animals and one of my favorite local birds.

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Here are some links of note, including a couple of new ones:

Finally, if you’re interested in buying the original watercolor of this or another painting on this site, let me knowPrintslicensing and commissioned work are also available.

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