Crazy Fish Caricatures: Eight Transparent Watercolor Paintings

Now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!  I suppose these are going to need some serious explanation. After spending close to a hundred hours on my previous painting, I thought it made sense to do a few quick pieces. Now I’ve never … Continued

Early Goldfish Watercolor Painting

posted in: Sketches | 0

While cleaning up my archives, I came across this old painting that I did in 1989. I’d honestly forgotten that I’d done it. This was my first airbrushed painting, created in preparation for a grad school class that was coming up. At … Continued

Whites and Blues C5 Transparent Watercolor & Time-Lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

After taking a break from doing these incredibly complex paintings for about 20 years, I did two back-to-back. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea, as this one took just shy of 100 hours! I could’ve completed about seven of my typical paintings … Continued

Fall Sale!

posted in: Finished Paintings, Uncategorized | 0

Fall Sale! 10% Off Select Originals This is the first time I’ve offered a discount on my originals, and when they’re gone, they’re gone! Visit our Etsy shop before your favorite is shipped to someone else. 

Nature Chemistry Cover Art

posted in: Scientific Illustrations | 0

Over the last couple of years I’ve collaborated with Michigan State University faculty members to create cover art for a variety of different scientific journals. Most recently, I worked with Aaron L. Odom, Ph.D., to design the cover art for the September 2017 issue of Nature Chemistry. I … Continued

More Op Art Birds!

posted in: Photos | 0

It’s time for even more op-art* bird photos. These are Victor Vasarely-inspired designs. Like the previous images, these are straight-on photos of birds perched on an op-art bird feeder… without any Photoshop trickery. I designed this image to go with … Continued

Throwback Thursday: American Coot Watercolor

This is an older painting, probably from 2002. I still remember sketching this stuffed specimen in the Royal Ontario Museum. My wife had a conference in Toronto, so I tagged along and spent three full days drawing at the ROM. … Continued

Female Eastern Bluebird Transparent Watercolor & Time-Lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

I finished this painting in May but am just now (finally) getting it posted. I’ve not been idle though. I’ve been busy on a complicated painting that I’ll share soon. Like most people, I love bluebirds. I’ve painted the brilliantly colored males … Continued

Op Art Birds II

posted in: Photos | 0

It’s time for some more op-art* bird photos. These are Victor Vasarely-inspired designs. Like the previous images, these are straight-on photos of birds on an op-art bird feeder… without any Photoshop trickery. Previous photos can be seen at I … Continued