One-eyed Toad Pencil Sketch (p5)

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

I’ve had many, many pets. As a child my parents allowed my brothers and I to have a variety of great pets. We ALWAYS had a dog. We also had turtles, fish and several types of parrots. Many of my … Continued

Blue-spotted Salamander Pencil Sketch (p4)

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 2

I love salamanders. Unfortunately, Michigan isn’t exactly the salamander capital of the world. I grew up in western New York where they are abundant. Whenever I return to my hometown I try go into the woods and turn over some … Continued

Ant-mimicking Jumping Spider Pencil Sketch (Page 3)

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches, Spider art | 4

I found this awesome jumping spider on the faucet of the bathroom sink one morning. It was quite tiny—only about an eighth of an inch. I brought it downstairs and put it under the 100mm macro lens and three flashes … Continued

Crab Spider Pencil Sketch (#2)

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Crab spiders have habits that surprise some people. Unlike many spiders, they aren’t web builders. They are well camouflaged, hiding in flowers waiting for an unsuspecting bee, fly or beetle to come by to eat dinner… then WHAM, the crab spider pounces on their prey. It can be a dangerous world out there!

Scarlet Tanager & Cherry Blossoms Transparent Watercolor and Ink Step-by-step

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 0

Our children are very absorbed in the natural world. They adore pretty much every thing furry, feathered and scaled that you can imagine coming across. I’m also very proud that they aren’t turned off by the creepy crawly things that … Continued