Baltimore Oriole Transparent Watercolor Step-by-Step

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 2

  Getting to see Baltimore orioles right outside your kitchen window is just about as good as it gets. The past few years we have been treated to orioles that come to our jelly feeder. We previously had tried putting … Continued

Blue Jay on Stump Pencil Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

Blue jays area regulars visitor to our peanut feeder. I drilled out a log on my drill press so I could fill it up with peanuts. Its a bit more natural looking than the mass produced feeders. Having the birds perched … Continued

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Step-by-Step Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 2

  We love getting rose-breasted grosbeaks at our feeders in the summer. A fairly constant stream visits until late summer when they start to disappear. These gorgeous animals are one of the reasons I became obsessed with birds.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Pencil Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

Ruby-throated hummingbirds have great attitude and seem to exude total confidence. When we moved into our house we went about planting gardens, shrubs and trees to attract birds and butterflies. We supplement the natural selection of food with feeders. Typically … Continued

White Ibis Landing Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 2

  A few years ago I went on a winter trip to southern Florida to photograph birds with my brother Ted. He kindly sponsored the whole trip.  We had a fantastic time even if the weather wasn’t the most cooperative. … Continued