Fall Sale!
Fall Sale! 10% Off Select Originals This is the first time I’ve offered a discount on my originals, and when they’re gone, they’re gone! Visit our Etsy shop before your favorite is shipped to someone else.
Nature Chemistry Cover Art
Over the last couple of years I’ve collaborated with Michigan State University faculty members to create cover art for a variety of different scientific journals. Most recently, I worked with Aaron L. Odom, Ph.D., to design the cover art for the September 2017 issue of Nature Chemistry. I … Continued
More Op Art Birds!
It’s time for even more op-art* bird photos. These are Victor Vasarely-inspired designs. Like the previous images, these are straight-on photos of birds perched on an op-art bird feeder… without any Photoshop trickery. I designed this image to go with … Continued
Flying Colors Transparent Watercolor & Time-Lapse Video
Well, I’ll cut to the chase. This 18 x 24-inch watercolor took an incredibly long time, somewhere in the 70- to 80-hour range, and it was one of the more complex paintings I’ve ever attempted. There isn’t a lot of … Continued
Throwback Thursday: American Coot Watercolor
This is an older painting, probably from 2002. I still remember sketching this stuffed specimen in the Royal Ontario Museum. My wife had a conference in Toronto, so I tagged along and spent three full days drawing at the ROM. … Continued
Female Eastern Bluebird Transparent Watercolor & Time-Lapse Video
I finished this painting in May but am just now (finally) getting it posted. I’ve not been idle though. I’ve been busy on a complicated painting that I’ll share soon. Like most people, I love bluebirds. I’ve painted the brilliantly colored males … Continued
Op Art Birds II
It’s time for some more op-art* bird photos. These are Victor Vasarely-inspired designs. Like the previous images, these are straight-on photos of birds on an op-art bird feeder… without any Photoshop trickery. Previous photos can be seen at https://blog.bohanart.com/2017/06/op-art-birds/. I … Continued
Op Art Birds
I’ve hit a slow patch with freelance work, so I’ve had some extra time to put into several projects that have been on the back burner for a while. These photos are the result of one of those projects. When I … Continued
Red, White and Blue (Immature Ring-billed Gull)
I used to do a lot of larger watercolors, usually in the 18 x 24-inch format but once working 18 x 72 inches! Later I switched to smaller pieces, when we had kids. My theory was that it would allow me … Continued
Tree Swallow Transparent Watercolor & Time-Lapse Video
This was a quick watercolor-and-ink painting. I had been concentrating on doing highly rendered watercolor paintings for a while and thought it would be fun to whip off a less-detailed, quick, inked piece with bragged-up colors. This Tree Swallow was … Continued