Blackburnian Warbler Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
My wife’s favorite warbler is probably the Blackburnian, followed closely by the Prothonotary. I did a watercolor of one ages ago on Black Cherry blossoms that she always brings up as a favorite. Until now, I hadn’t painted one in … Continued
Loggerhead Shrike Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
I don’t see shrikes very often. In Michigan they occasionally pop up in the winters. We’ve even had Northern Shrike in our yard twice, which was incredibly exciting. They like to take prominent perches in the open where they can … Continued
Killdeer and Nest: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video + Kilimanjaro Paper Review
I still remember seeing my first killdeer. It was on a dog walk with my dad sometime in the 1972-74 range. We lived near a golf course in a small town in southwestern New York. He liked going for long … Continued
Blackpoll Warbler: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Blackpoll Warblers are great little birds. Due to some quirk in the migration pathways, we tend to get many more here in mid-Michigan in the fall than in the spring. The same goes for their fall doppelgängers, Bay-breasted Warblers. In … Continued
Wilson’s Warbler on Cherry: Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Though Wilson’s Warblers only travel through Mid-Michigan for a few weeks every year, I look forward to seeing them every spring and fall.
Ovenbird Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
At a quick glance an Ovenbird might look a little more like a thrush than a warbler.
Yellow-throated Warbler on Palm Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that most birds are worthy of many paintings…
Common Flameback Woodpecker Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
This gorgeous woodpecker, the Common Flameback (Dinopium javanense), is from Southeast Asia and Western India.
Yellow-throated Vireo on Red-twig Dogwood Watercolor Painting and Time-lapse Video
After recently completing a Blue-headed Vireo painting, I thought it would be fun to do a Yellow-throated Vireo. This is a bird I hear ten times more than I see. Three seasons of the year, I get to spend a … Continued
Blue-headed Vireo Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Blue-headed Vireos are one of my all-time favorite birds. They seem like little teddy bears.