American Robin Pencil Sketch p63
American Robins are beautiful birds. They seem to be most commonly seen on a green lawn hunting for worms. I always think it is nice to spot one posing in a tree.
Wattled Jacana Transparent Watercolor Step-by-step
Wattled Jacanas are attractive birds with elongated toes that allow them to stride along water lily pads on the edges of the shallow lakes and ponds where they live in South America. The males incubate a pair of eggs on a floating nest. … Continued
White Rhinoceros Pencil Sketch, p62
I’m officially way behind on posting things. It’s been a busy spring with lots of birding. Here is a drawing of a White Rhinoceros from the Potter Park Zoo here in Lansing. Rhinos are fun to draw. They have a … Continued
Male Dimorphic Jumping Spider Pencil Sketch p61
As you can tell from the content, I intended to post this a few weeks ago, but my spare time was spent birding… Yes! I love spring. I always get excited by the reappearance of plants and animals that didn’t attempt to tough out … Continued
Male Eastern Bluebird on Hawthorn Transparent Watercolor Step-by-step
Over the years we have had Eastern Bluebirds nest in our yard. What an incredible treat! In the past ten years the field nearby has been slowly taken over by trees, and we have seen less and less of them. … Continued
Redbud Treehopper Pencil Sketch p60
I came across numerous examples of these treehoppers feasting on our Redbud tree last summer. They seemed to be more abundant for some reason. My only guess is that the treehoppers liked the fresh, young growth the tree was forced to … Continued
Black-capped Chickadee Pencil Sketch p59
Black-capped Chickadees are great little birds. They are probably one of the most recognizable birds in North America. I can almost imagine Black-capped Chickadees, American Robins and Cardinals arguing about who actually is the most popular. They seem too agreeable … Continued
Male Yellow Warbler Transparent Watercolor and Ink Step-by-step
I love Yellow Warblers. Few birds are quite as cheery as these little yellow dynamos. We have had the pleasure of having them in our yard in the spring and summer pretty regularly the past few years. We are certain … Continued
Red-breasted Goose Pencil Sketch p58
This is a sketch of a Red-brested Goose that I saw at the Toledo Zoo. It is a bird I knew nothing about before seeing it in captivity. They are endangered geese from Northern Asia. Its Latin name is Branta ruficollis. Other … Continued
Snowy Egret in Flight Transparent Watercolor Step-by-step
This painting has been on my “to do” list for a long time. I got photos of this cooperative bird while on a photo trip to Ft. Myers, Florida with my brother Ted. We hit Little Estero Lagoon a … Continued