Common Redpoll Pencil Sketch p57
We’ve had no Common Redpolls yet this winter. I sure miss seeing them. This drawing was done from photos I took of Common Redpolls visiting our thistle feeder two years ago. Redpolls are fascinating birds. To me they seem kind … Continued
Song Sparrow Pencil Sketch p56
I had a blessed childhood for a myriad of reasons. My parents were big animal lovers, and bordering our backyard was a massive wood lot to explore. Many a summer day was spent flipping over rocks looking for salamanders, playing … Continued
Halloween Bird Hats!
This is the sixth year that I’ve made Halloween costumes for one or both kids. I guess they really haven’t been costumes so much as hats. One drawback is that the kids have to spend a lot of time explaining … Continued
Katydid Pencil Sketch p 55
“Grasshopper!” That is the usual answer that I get when people have seen sketches or photos that I’ve taken of katydids. That is a pretty reasonable guess. Katydids, grasshoppers and crickets all belong to the order Orthoptera. The katydids certainly … Continued
Ebola Virus Illustrations
The Ebola virus is on everyone’s mind lately, and I’m no exception. I keep seeing many of the same images, so I thought it might be useful to create some new illustrations of the deadly filovirus.
Carolina Wren Pencil Sketch p54
One Carolina Wren wasn’t enough! These cute birds can make quite a racket at times. The males are exceptionally vocal, making a “teakettle-teakettle-teakettle” call. These wrens are also known for making nests in odd places. I’ve seen photos of their … Continued
Carolina Wren Pencil Sketch p52
I like the Carolina Wrens. I’m always impressed that they brave the frigid cold and stay around all winter. In the bitter weather they regularly hide in our window wells to get out of the harsh wind, snow and cold. … Continued
Jumping Spider on Daisy Step-by-step Transparent Watercolor
Well, you can’t accuse me of selling out. While I love jumping spiders, I can’t imagine there is a huge market for detailed watercolors of them. Maybe I’ll be proved wrong. For a while frogs and toads were among my … Continued
Assassins in the Backyard!
As the cold weather gets ready arrive in mid-Michigan I’ve been trying to photograph the last of the insects and spiders. I found these two fascinating specimens in our garden. Both are true bugs of the order Hemiptera. Hemipteran insects … Continued
Spur-winged Plover Pencil Sketch p51
This is a pencil sketch of a Spur-winged Plover (Vanellus spinosus) from the Toledo Zoo. They are also sometimes called Spur-winged Lapwings. They get their name from a claw-like spur hidden under each wing. The birds are common in sub-Saharan … Continued