Eastern Towhee Pencil Sketch p44
This male Eastern Towhee showed up a few weeks early last spring. I’m assuming that it is the same male that shows up super early in our yard every year, but who really knows. Maybe its the place to be … Continued
Batrachology: Amphibians in Art (January 18 – April 13, 2014)
Print available here. I’ll have nine paintings on display in the upcoming Batrachology: Amphibians in Art show at the Alden B. Dow Museum of Science & Art in Midland, Michigan. The show runs from January 18–April 13, 2014. It should be an interesting collection … Continued
Tan Jumper–Jumping Spider Pencil Sketch p43 (Platycryptus undatus)
I realize that spiders aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some people get the creeps from these little guys. I’m often asked how I decide what to draw and paint. In all honesty I just do whatever has my interest at … Continued
Dimorphic Jumping Spider Pencil Sketch p42
One of the best things about homeschooling the kids is that we can have class outside on the picnic table when the weather cooperates. That improves everyone’s mood. I’m pretty open to “teachable moments” when a distraction is worthwhile. Springtime … Continued
Immature Grey Wall Jumper Pencil Sketch p41
I have mentioned that I get a lot of drawing done while waiting for my kids in karate. Many of the children come over and ask to see what you are drawing. They really seem to get kick out of … Continued
Magee Marsh Yellow Warbler Pencil Sketch p40
The Crane Creek, Ohio area is a favorite migrant hotspot in the Spring. Warblers are plentiful. We took our children for the first time this year. They had a blast and saw a handful of life birds. I brought … Continued
Halloween Bird Hats!
I have the coolest kids in the world. Every year they request an unusual costume. Inevitably it is some sort of animal. In the past requests have been bear, penguin, Red Fox, shark, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Keel-billed Toucan, Tocu Toucan, Great … Continued
More Backyard Jumping Spiders
Here are some more fun jumpers from the backyard. The jumping spider activity has really fallen off with the cool fall weather settling in. Once the first frosts come in I’ll be out of luck until spring. Included in these … Continued
Backyard Jumping Spider Photos
I know they aren’t for everyone, but I’m crazy about jumping spiders. I’ll photograph them every chance I get. These small spiders are pretty easy to find. I often have good luck searching the side of the house. Jumping spiders … Continued
Toby Shepherd Chow Elkhound Tasmanian Devil Mixed Breed Pencil Sketch p38
We call him “Toby the Terror” when he is the Devil Dog and “Toblerone” when he is sweet. After the heartbreak of losing our perfect dog Archie days before Christmas, we got a new dog named Toby. He is about … Continued