Snowy Egret in Flight Pencil Sketch p37

posted in: Photos, Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Snowy Egrets seem to have two speeds: full on or full off. At times they are patiently waiting or stalking fish, and then the very next moment they are full of frantic energy. Growing up in south-western New York, you … Continued

American Tree Sparrow Transparent Watercolor Step-by-Step

posted in: Finished Paintings, Photos, Step-by-Step | 2

I really like the American Tree Sparrow. They are tough little birds who visit our Michigan home in the cold, harsh winters. As Spring finally arrives the smaller Chipping Sparrows replace them. For a very brief time you get the … Continued

Common Ground Dove Pencil Sketch p35

posted in: Photos, Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

The Common Ground Dove is an easy bird to overlook. Besides being one of the smallest species doves by both size and mass, they are cryptically colored and like to sit motionlessly on the ground. I seem to always come … Continued

Boat-tailed Grackle Pencil Sketch p34

Boat-tailed Grackles shimmer with iridescence. What appears to be jet black fades into beautiful metallic blues, greens and purples. Of course all of that gets lost in a simple pencil sketch! At some point I’ll need to render this in watercolor … Continued

Wading Snowy Egret Pencil Sketch p32

posted in: Photos, Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Snowy egrets are undeniably beautiful birds. Typically when I’ve encountered them they were along the shore or wading in the water hunting for fish. On my last trip to Florida, I saw that they don’t always do the fishing for themselves… … Continued