Chipping Sparrow on Redbud Pencil Sketch p18
Sparrows are underrated. To most people they are just LBBs–little brown birds. Sure, they aren’t the flashiest of birds, but they have a subtle beauty about them. Some are downright beautiful if you only take the time to look carefully … Continued
Male Eastern Bluebird on Hawthorn Pencil Sketch p17
This male Eastern Bluebird was aggressively defending his nest from his own reflection in our shed’s window. I snuck inside with the tripod and 400mm lens to get some shots. He came in incredibly close. After bagging a ton of … Continued
“The Day Job”
I thought I’d post a sampling of my “bread and butter” artwork: medical and biological illustration. I spend a lot of time drawing body parts the most people don’t know that they have and surgeries that they hope they never … Continued
Female Eastern Bluebird Pencil Sketch p16
We have been lucky enough to have Eastern bluebirds nest in our yard multiple times. As the field nearby is slowly being taken over by trees, our property has become less attractive to the bluebirds. This year they built a … Continued
Tufted Titmouse Pencil Sketch p15
I do a lot of sketching from my own photos while I’m waiting for my kids in their karate classes. Its a good way to be productive in what otherwise might be dead time. Some kids at the dojo like to … Continued
Ruby Meadowhawk Dragonfly Pencil Sketch p14
I’m a big fan of dragonflies. To draw them, I take tons of photos for reference. I also have some dead ones that I use for reference on tiny details like wing venation. I typically use a 200-400mm lens with … Continued
White-breasted Nuthatch Pencil Sketch p13
White-breasted nuthatches are entertaining, cute and energetic birds. Here in Michigan they visit suet and bird feeders year round. When I lived in Cleveland years ago my wife and I used to go birding in a park where they were tame … Continued
Candy-striped Leafhopper Watercolor Step-by-step
These garden pests are tiny enough to be looked over by most people, but they certainly are colorful and well designed creatures. Original Available. Prints are also available here.
Blister Beetle Nymph p12
I’ve never had the misfortune of being burned by a blister beetle. I spent a good part of my youth picking up all sorts of animals. I’ve been burned by saddleback and Io moth caterpillars. If the blister beetle is … Continued
Candy-striped Leafhopper Pencil Sketch p11
Easily overlooked, the tiny candy-striped leafhopper is a feast for the eyes of a careful observer. Unfortunately, they also feast on garden plants and are a pest species.