Interested in picking up a Bohan Art painting, print, Christmas ornament, coaster, or mug for yourself or as a gift for someone else? There are currently three ways to shop for these items and more.
1. Printify
Purchase Bohan Art products directly through Printify, a print-on-demand (POD) site.
2. Etsy
You can also purchase original Bohan Art watercolors and POD products through Etsy. Note that Printify products listed on Etsy cost more there because of additional fees. Overall shipping costs should be the same. On Etsy, shipping that isn’t listed separately is usually incorporated into the item’s price. If you’re interested in a painting or print not currently listed on Etsy, try option 3 below.
3. Directly
You can buy directly from Matt using PayPal’s online options. Most of the paintings on this blog and on Bohan Art are available as originals or prints. Just tell Matt which one(s) you’re interested in, and he’ll let you know the price. If you agree on a sale, he’ll share a QR code for the item(s) so you can pay with PayPal, Venmo, or a credit card. If you’re more comfortable buying through Etsy, let him know, and he can create a custom listing with your requested items.