Winter Black-bellied Plover Pencil Sketch, Watercolor and Time Lapse

This watercolor painting and pencil sketch of a Black-bellied Plover are from the stockpile of photos taken on last year’s trip to Florida with my brother Ted. The drawing is p84 from the sketchbook. I’m getting dangerously close to finishing … Continued

Winter Willet Pencil Sketch p83

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

I saw my first Willet thanks to my friend Don Brown. While living in New Jersey years ago, I drove out to Jones Beach, Long Island, to go birding with him. Jones Beach is known for great winter birds, and … Continued

Winter Willet Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

I love birds but have a definite weak spot in my life list when it comes to shorebirds. Having lived mostly inland, far away from the coast, I’ve missed out on seeing many of these birds. I enjoy watching them and learning … Continued

Pine Siskin Pencil Sketch p82

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Winter finches are always a welcome sight. After all the migrants trail off, it’s nice to see old friends at the feeders. Pine Siskins are fairly reliable. We get them at the feeders every year, though the quantity tends to vary dramatically. A finch … Continued

Yellow-crowned Night Heron Pencil Sketch p81

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Night-herons are undeniably neat creatures. I first came across them during trips to Florida when I was a grad student and assisting with a course called Ecology of the Everglades. I had a tough time picking which I liked better, the Yellow-crowned or Black-crowned. Typically, the … Continued

Cedar Waxwing on Blue, Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

The sleek, fine feathering of Cedar Waxwings makes for a good challenge in watercolor. When picking out what to paint next, I usually try to choose things I’ve not done before. Breaking new ground keeps things fresh and offers new challenges. … Continued

Andean Condor (Pen and Ink)

posted in: Finished Paintings, Sketches | 0

This is a bit of a change in media for me. I haven’t done a pen-and-ink drawing in over 20 years! I was cleaning up my flat files, going through old paintings and sketches when I came across a piece … Continued

Black-throated Green Warbler, Pencil Sketch p77

posted in: Sketches | 0

Years ago I read a quote by a famous bird photographer that stuck in my mind. He proclaimed, “Pictures of birds singing are hard to make but easy to sell!” I don’t know if that can be extrapolated to paintings, but it … Continued