Airbrushes vs. Washes

posted in: Tips and Techniques | 4

I have spent a lot of time using airbrushes and really loved them for a long time. If you want a perfectly smooth background or soft gradient, they are hard to beat. They excel at very soft and very hard … Continued

Eastern Chipmunk (Painting Fur) Step-by-Step

posted in: Step-by-Step | 0

Well, the chipmunks are out of hibernation here in Michigan, so it seems like a fitting time to share a step-by-step painting of one. Although they do plenty of damage to our garden, there is no denying that sure are … Continued

Coke Bottle Hummingbird Feeder

posted in: Step-by-Step | 2

An oldie. This was a commissioned painting. The client wanted five male hummingbirds at the feeder. We settled on Blue-throated, Costa’s, Violet-crowned, Black-chinned, and Rufus Hummingbirds. It is an 18 x 24 inch transparent watercolor on Lana 140 lb HP Paper.

Liquid Frisket Fix–it

posted in: Tips and Techniques | 2

Liquid frisket is a handy thing for anyone who does a lot of watercolor. I tend to use it as little as possible. It ruins brushes and there is only so fine a line you can get with it. Because … Continued

Bluet Damselfly Pencil Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

I’ve been sketching a lot of damselfly and dragonflies from photos that I took last summer. I’m already looking forward to this summer’s crop. They are fascinating creatures to watch.

Burrowing Owl Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Step-by-Step | 6

Anytime you have a lot of detail in both lights and darks right next to each other, especially when the area is small, it can be a difficult area to paint in watercolor. The colors can have a tendency to … Continued

Baltimore Oriole Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

This summer we were lucky enough to have 4-5 Baltimore orioles coming to the feeder right outside our kitchen window. They were attracted by the grape jelly we were leaving out for them. We also got the occasional catbird. The … Continued