Cedar Waxwing on Blue, Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

The sleek, fine feathering of Cedar Waxwings makes for a good challenge in watercolor. When picking out what to paint next, I usually try to choose things I’ve not done before. Breaking new ground keeps things fresh and offers new challenges. … Continued

Black-throated Green Warbler, Pencil Sketch p77

posted in: Sketches | 0

Years ago I read a quote by a famous bird photographer that stuck in my mind. He proclaimed, “Pictures of birds singing are hard to make but easy to sell!” I don’t know if that can be extrapolated to paintings, but it … Continued

Hostage Negotiations (10×7-inch Transparent Watercolor Fish Caricature)

After a few insect paintings, I thought it was time to mix things up again, and this collection of caricatured fish accidentally made it to the top of the to-do list. Here’s how it managed to weasel its way to the … Continued


This was a fun painting to work on, but portions of it were difficult because it was out of my usual comfort zone. Loosening up is hard for me.  I was doodling in my sketchbook during my daughter’s piano lesson, trying to come up with … Continued

Cotton-top Tamarin: Throwback Thursday

I did this painting a while back. It’s based on photos taken at the Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, Michigan. Aside from being unbelievably beautiful, cotton-top tamarins are interesting animals. These tiny primates have highly developed communication skills and exhibit … Continued

Hairy Woodpecker Pencil Sketch p75

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Its been a while since I’ve posted a plain old sketch. This is one of the Hairy Woodpeckers that frequents our suet feeders. We’ve been fortunate to have Hairy Woodpeckers regularly visit our suet feeders for the last few years. As an added … Continued

More Crazy Fish Caricatures in Transparent Watercolor

Well, I had enough fun painting the previous fish that I thought I’d do a few more. These are a 180º from the day job, medical illustration work. With that, every artery, muscle, tendon and bone has to be in just the perfect place, … Continued

Crazy Fish Caricatures: Eight Transparent Watercolor Paintings

Now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!  I suppose these are going to need some serious explanation. After spending close to a hundred hours on my previous painting, I thought it made sense to do a few quick pieces. Now I’ve never … Continued