Daring Jumping Spider Pencil Sketch p6

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches, Spider art | 2

As a kid, summers in western NY seemed to go by much too quickly. My brothers and I spent a lot of time at a swimming pool that was near our house. The most dreaded thing we would hear was … Continued

Crab Spider Pencil Sketch (#2)

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Crab spiders have habits that surprise some people. Unlike many spiders, they aren’t web builders. They are well camouflaged, hiding in flowers waiting for an unsuspecting bee, fly or beetle to come by to eat dinner… then WHAM, the crab spider pounces on their prey. It can be a dangerous world out there!

Scarlet Tanager & Cherry Blossoms Transparent Watercolor and Ink Step-by-step

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 0

Our children are very absorbed in the natural world. They adore pretty much every thing furry, feathered and scaled that you can imagine coming across. I’m also very proud that they aren’t turned off by the creepy crawly things that … Continued

Timber Rattler Watercolor and Ink

posted in: Finished Paintings | 0

This is a Tennessee Timber rattler that we discovered near my Mother-in-law’s house. I thought it would be worth trying as a “faster” watercolor and ink painting. I’m not sure if the subject matter didn’t lend itself to the medium … Continued

Calico Pennant Dragonfly Transparent Watercolor Step-by-Step

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 0

Calico Pennants are beautiful dragonflies. Their spots vary in color from yellow to bright red depending on age and gender. Adult males have red, heart-shaped spots on their abdomens. Original painting is available here.  Prints are available here.