Ruby Meadowhawk Dragonfly Step-by-step

posted in: Step-by-Step | 3

I’ve been painting a lot of dragonflies lately. Lots of great color to play with. Here is the latest, a step-by-step through the process of painting a male ruby meadowhawk. These are really cooperative insects… so much so that my … Continued

Airbrushes vs. Washes

posted in: Tips and Techniques | 4

I have spent a lot of time using airbrushes and really loved them for a long time. If you want a perfectly smooth background or soft gradient, they are hard to beat. They excel at very soft and very hard … Continued

Eastern Chipmunk (Painting Fur) Step-by-Step

posted in: Step-by-Step | 0

Well, the chipmunks are out of hibernation here in Michigan, so it seems like a fitting time to share a step-by-step painting of one. Although they do plenty of damage to our garden, there is no denying that sure are … Continued

Coke Bottle Hummingbird Feeder

posted in: Step-by-Step | 2

An oldie. This was a commissioned painting. The client wanted five male hummingbirds at the feeder. We settled on Blue-throated, Costa’s, Violet-crowned, Black-chinned, and Rufus Hummingbirds. It is an 18 x 24 inch transparent watercolor on Lana 140 lb HP Paper.

Liquid Frisket Fix–it

posted in: Tips and Techniques | 2

Liquid frisket is a handy thing for anyone who does a lot of watercolor. I tend to use it as little as possible. It ruins brushes and there is only so fine a line you can get with it. Because … Continued

Bluet Damselfly Pencil Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

I’ve been sketching a lot of damselfly and dragonflies from photos that I took last summer. I’m already looking forward to this summer’s crop. They are fascinating creatures to watch.

Burrowing Owl Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Step-by-Step | 6

Anytime you have a lot of detail in both lights and darks right next to each other, especially when the area is small, it can be a difficult area to paint in watercolor. The colors can have a tendency to … Continued