Jumping Spider on Daisy Step-by-step Transparent Watercolor

Well, you can’t accuse me of selling out. While I love jumping spiders, I can’t imagine there is a huge market for detailed watercolors of them. Maybe I’ll be proved wrong. For a while frogs and toads were among my … Continued

Assassins in the Backyard!

posted in: Photos | 0

As the cold weather gets ready arrive in mid-Michigan I’ve been trying to photograph the last of the insects and spiders. I found  these two fascinating specimens in our garden. Both are true bugs of the order Hemiptera. Hemipteran insects … Continued

Spur-winged Plover Pencil Sketch p51

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

This is a pencil sketch of a Spur-winged Plover (Vanellus spinosus) from the Toledo Zoo. They are also sometimes called Spur-winged Lapwings. They get their name from a claw-like spur hidden under each wing. The birds are common in sub-Saharan … Continued

Male Crested Wood Partridge Pencil Sketch p50

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Page 50. I’m now halfway through my hard bound sketchbook without any major artistic disasters!  The pressure is on to have a strong finish in the second half. The cover and binding of the sketchbook is starting to get pretty … Continued

Reckless Jumper Pencil Sketch (Pelegrina proverta) p49

posted in: Photos, Sketchbook, Sketches, Spider art | 0

Over the past few years I’ve become more and more interested in jumping spiders. It is a real challenge to photograph them in order to get drawing and painting references. Sometimes I photograph them in the field, and other times … Continued

More Backyard Arachnids

posted in: Photos, Spider art | 2

Summer is here, so I’m getting as much photo reference for future paintings as I can. I found a cooperative Tan Jumper and female Dimorphic Jumper today and set up the all the photo gear. There were all taken with … Continued

Common Ground Dove Watercolor and Ink Step-by-Step

posted in: Finished Paintings, Step-by-Step | 2

The Common Ground Dove isn’t a bird that I’ve been around my whole life. I’ve only encountered them while on trips to Florida. I really enjoy these beautiful little birds. This particular one was sitting on the dikes between flooded areas at Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island.