Wilson’s Snipe Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

This painting is being posted out of sequence. That’s the hazard of being behind. After a series of highly designed paintings and several medial animations for clients, I was desperate to get something on the drafting table quickly so I could start painting again. I … Continued

Great Horned Owlet Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

Last year on our annual pilgrimage to Crane Creek, Ohio, one of the big treats was seeing a Great Horned Owlet in its nest cavity and getting photos and video of the little “Furby.” This painting is based on those … Continued

Song Sparrow Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings | 0

Song Sparrows sure seem to be friendly little birds. Their cheery “Madge-Madge-Madge, put-on-your-tea-kettle-ettle-ettle” call is always a welcome sound. We get them in our yard frequently, but in really low numbers. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more than one at a time. We’ve … Continued

Visit the Updated Website!

posted in: Scientific Illustrations | 2

A long overdue update to website was just finished. Come on by and browse through loads of NEW animal art, medical & scientific illustration/animation as well as plenty of photography at bohanart.com.

Pied-billed Grebes Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings | 0

I’m still behind on posting and have been uploading things out of order chronologically. For example, I finished this watercolor before Christmas. (!)  I was looking through photos from last year’s trip to Florida and decided to do a watercolor … Continued