Chickadee Christmas Feast Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings | 0

What is more endearing than a Chickadee? Being undeniably cute and having a cheery disposition are a great combination. We have a steady flow of these birds at our feeders year round. A few years ago I saw some big … Continued

Crested Coua Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Sketches | 0

I’m still trying to post all the art that’s been accumulating. May is always a busy month for birding, and this was no exception. On top of that I’ve been swamped with illustration/animation work. This painting is not in chronological … Continued

Wilson’s Snipe Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

This painting is being posted out of sequence. That’s the hazard of being behind. After a series of highly designed paintings and several medial animations for clients, I was desperate to get something on the drafting table quickly so I could start painting again. I … Continued