Tennessee Timber Rattler Pencil Sketch #2

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Here is a sketch of another timber rattler from our trip to Tennessee. This guy was only two feet from the one in the previous rattlesnake drawing. While both snakes were on the small size, this one was a bit “beefier.” I … Continued

White-breasted Nuthatch Pencil Sketch

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Although they are really common, there is something endearing about white-breasted nuthatches. One winter day almost twenty years ago, my wife and I went to a local park where chickadees were acclimated enough to humans to eat out of our hands. … Continued

Tennessee Timber Rattlesnake Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 1

I’ve been lucky to see a variety of rattlesnakes over the years. I’ve seen eastern diamond backs, pygmy rattlers and massasagua rattlesnakes. I spent a lot of time in NY/NJ looking for timber rattlers with out much luck. I knew … Continued