White-breasted Nuthatch Pencil Sketch p27

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

We get White-breasted Nuthatches year round here in Michigan. They are energetic little birds with just the right amount of attitude. A five year old was watching me draw while I was waiting for my kids at karate. I asked … Continued

White-breasted Nuthatch Pencil Sketch p13

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 1

White-breasted nuthatches are entertaining, cute and  energetic birds. Here in Michigan they visit suet and bird feeders year round. When I lived in Cleveland years ago my wife and I used to go birding in a park where they were tame … Continued

White-breasted Nuthatch Pencil Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

Although they are really common, there is something endearing about white-breasted nuthatches. One winter day almost twenty years ago, my wife and I went to a local park where chickadees were acclimated enough to humans to eat out of our hands. … Continued