Flamingo Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

This flamingo painting is based on photos I took at the fantastic Toledo Zoo. I’ve been going there for more than 20 years. My second trip there was probably the most memorable. I was living in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the time … Continued

Malachite Butterfly Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, Photos, time lapse | 0

It’s been about 18 years since I last painted a butterfly. At that time I created several to decorate our infant daughter’s bedroom. I used to paint them life-sized, but these magnified views posed more of a challenge. Those tiny facets on the wings took a long time to … Continued

Indigo Bunting Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

I rendered a bunch of Indigo Buntings in a previous painting but had never done a painting with one as the main subject. Last spring I captured many serviceable, close photos of a cooperative male that came to our yard in the spring. Unfortunately, … Continued

Tan Jumping Spider

Tan Jumping Spider (Platycryptus undatus) I love these curious little jumping spiders! I’ve painted many different types in the past, but this is new to the collection. The Tan Jumper is one of the more common species found in Michigan. Globally … Continued

Jumping Spider on Peony Transparent Watercolor and Time Lapse

Yes, another Jumping Spider! I can’t get enough of these endearing arthropods. I’m looking forward to seeing them again this spring. Occasionally I’ll come across one in the house in the winter and wonder what the little guy is finding … Continued

Plum-colored Starling (Violet-backed Starling) Transparent Watercolor and Ink

This bird is a great example of why they use scientific names with a genus and species. It has at least three common names: Violet-backed Starling, Plum-colored Starling and Amethyst Starling. Granted, they are pretty spectacular, so maybe one name … Continued