Red-eyed Vireo Pencil Sketch p9
This Red-eyed Vireo was in the crabapple right outside our kitchen window last year. Typically, I think of RE Vireos as almost always being up higher in trees, but this one was right at eye level. Fortunately the camera was … Continued
Broad-headed Assassin Bug Nymph Pencil Sketch p8
If you ever have been bitten by an assassin bug, you know that it’s something you won’t soon forget. I got tagged by a small one last year and was impressed. Having learned my lesson with smaller ones, I was … Continued
Backyard Northern Shrike!
Every once in a while you get treated to a great bird right in your own backyard. We were treated to a Northern Shrike today. I managed to grab some documentary shots. Not great photos, but decent evidence of an … Continued
Black-capped Chickadee on Snowy Branches Pencil Sketch p7
Chickadees are remarkable birds. First, it is almost impossible to find someone who doesn’t like these cute and cheery birds. In addition to looks and personality, they also seem intelligent and adaptable. Although tiny, they are hardy and can survive … Continued
Daring Jumping Spider Pencil Sketch p6
As a kid, summers in western NY seemed to go by much too quickly. My brothers and I spent a lot of time at a swimming pool that was near our house. The most dreaded thing we would hear was … Continued
One-eyed Toad Pencil Sketch (p5)
I’ve had many, many pets. As a child my parents allowed my brothers and I to have a variety of great pets. We ALWAYS had a dog. We also had turtles, fish and several types of parrots. Many of my … Continued
Blue-spotted Salamander Pencil Sketch (p4)
I love salamanders. Unfortunately, Michigan isn’t exactly the salamander capital of the world. I grew up in western New York where they are abundant. Whenever I return to my hometown I try go into the woods and turn over some … Continued
Ant-mimicking Jumping Spider Pencil Sketch (Page 3)
I found this awesome jumping spider on the faucet of the bathroom sink one morning. It was quite tiny—only about an eighth of an inch. I brought it downstairs and put it under the 100mm macro lens and three flashes … Continued