Cedar Waxwing on Broken Perch Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Cedar Waxwings are undeniably gorgeous birds. I’ve sketched them many times, but this is only my third time painting one. I think this is my favorite so far.
Diving Brown Pelican Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
After looking through some sketches, I settled on this diving immature Brown Pelican.
Fancy Goldfish Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
It has been a long time since I painted goldfish in transparent watercolor. I’ve been missing out! They lend themselves perfectly to the medium.
Barn Swallows and Tree Swallows on Breakwall Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
While birding in northwest Ohio last May on a windy, frigid morning, we came across a mixed flock of Barn Swallows and Tree Swallows searching the limestone cobbles of a breakwall for insects to eat. I had never seen that … Continued
Barn Swallows Transparent Watercolor
I took reference photos of these barn swallows on the Marsh Boardwalk at Point Pelee National Park in Ontario. The swallows kept landing on this particular stick, and they were pretty much oblivious to my standing very close with the camera. … Continued
Ruddy Turnstone on Oysterbed Transparent Watercolor
I took reference photos for this Ruddy Turnstone along the causeway parks on the way to Sanibel Island in Florida. I’ve been to the Gulf Coast numerous times over the years, but I’m not great with shorebirds and learn a … Continued
Brown Creeper Building Nest Transparent Watercolor
I sure love Brown Creepers! I love the musical, super-high, piccolo-like calls that help alert you to their presence. Without that call they’d be extremely easy to overlook. They are small and cryptically colored, blending right in with the tree … Continued
Toyota FJ Caricature (7×10-inch Watercolor and Ink on Arches 140lb HP Paper)
This was a small present for my brother Ted, with two of his favorite things: Penny, his Pit-mix, and his immaculate Toyota FJ. If I could have figured out how to incorporate his incredible woodworking and photography, it would have … Continued
Northern Parula Warbler Transparent Watercolor
Northern Parulas are great little birds. I tend to see these warblers high in the trees. One of the ways to identify them is a yellow-olive patch on their backs, which is pretty useless when you are staring at their … Continued
Bay-breasted Warbler Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Bay-breasted Warblers are adorable little birds. We occasionally get them on our spring bird outings. However, in mid-May this year they seemed to be everywhere at Magee Marsh in Ohio. In the fall we see many more in our yard … Continued