Toyota FJ Caricature (7×10-inch Watercolor and Ink on Arches 140lb HP Paper)
This was a small present for my brother Ted, with two of his favorite things: Penny, his Pit-mix, and his immaculate Toyota FJ. If I could have figured out how to incorporate his incredible woodworking and photography, it would have … Continued
Northern Parula Warbler Transparent Watercolor
Northern Parulas are great little birds. I tend to see these warblers high in the trees. One of the ways to identify them is a yellow-olive patch on their backs, which is pretty useless when you are staring at their … Continued
Bay-breasted Warbler Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Bay-breasted Warblers are adorable little birds. We occasionally get them on our spring bird outings. However, in mid-May this year they seemed to be everywhere at Magee Marsh in Ohio. In the fall we see many more in our yard … Continued
Cold American Robin Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
I snapped the photos for this American Robin painting after a rogue April snow shower. The bird was puffed up, looking cold and perhaps a bit annoyed that the winter weather fought its way back for a few more days. … Continued
Chickadee Christmas Feast Transparent Watercolor
What is more endearing than a Chickadee? Being undeniably cute and having a cheery disposition are a great combination. We have a steady flow of these birds at our feeders year round. A few years ago I saw some big … Continued
Bobolink on Tulip Poplar Sapling Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Bobolinks are marvelous grassland birds. Because I grew up in a more forested section of western New York, they weren’t very common. While my life list from that area was packed with warblers and other woodland birds, it was really … Continued
Dimorphic Jumping Spider on Redbud Leaf Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
We’d usually start looking for the spiders after the towel fights got out of hand…
Lincoln’s Sparrow Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
Lincoln’s Sparrows are easily missed, which is really a shame. They are small, shy birds that like to skulk around in the underbrush. Like many of the sparrows, they are “Little Brown Jobs” that reward those who are willing to … Continued
Crested Coua Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
I’m still trying to post all the art that’s been accumulating. May is always a busy month for birding, and this was no exception. On top of that I’ve been swamped with illustration/animation work. This painting is not in chronological … Continued
Grumpy Chestnut-sided Warbler Transparent Watercolor and Time-lapse Video
I seldom render birds face on because they can look strange or grumpy. At the same time, why not do something out of the ordinary?