Baltimore Oriole from the Back Pencil Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

Well, after a great summer full of Baltimore Orioles visiting the three jelly feeders we had set up, we are down to nothing but wasps eating the jelly. It sure was great while it lasted. We had a fairly continual … Continued

Baltimore Oriole Pencil Sketch 8/11

posted in: Sketches | 1

We have had a lot of orioles coming to our three jelly feeders this summer. There is one male that has the brightest orange I’ve ever seen on an oriole. He is more of a fiery chrome orange rather than … Continued

Baltimore Oriole Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

This summer we were lucky enough to have 4-5 Baltimore orioles coming to the feeder right outside our kitchen window. They were attracted by the grape jelly we were leaving out for them. We also got the occasional catbird. The … Continued